Recent content by Mew

  1. Mew

    Favorite kits?

    i use skeleton because it triggers the fuck out of many players :)
  2. Mew

    What Direction Should the Game Take?

    split into two posts because character limit
  3. Mew

    What Direction Should the Game Take?

    aight let me show you how large scale response are done lads. this post was in my eyes incredibly incoherent and contradictory in multiple areas, so im gonna do my best to ask questions to gain clarity and ofc refute arguments like "this is dumb" because wow that adds absolutely zero substance...
  4. Mew


  5. Mew

    What Direction Should the Game Take?

    @Agent40 you're gonna have to justify to me adding surge or fire mind back because those two perks were the reasons mci 2.0 felt shit other than broken vampire; they're obscenely strong for tanking and in my eyes add nothing to the game outside of buffing commanders, which I really don't think...
  6. Mew

    What Direction Should the Game Take?

    1) Game is fine and doesn't need changing. Maybe buff/nerf some Infected classes to increase diversity in what is played? 2) Play styles are at a fine spot currently in terms of camping vs. hiding. 3) Remove commander camping punishment lol 4) The commander camping punishment; I've gone into...
  7. Mew

    pretty epic number brochacho hehexd

    pretty epic number brochacho hehexd
  8. Mew

    69 is the sex number haha

    69 is the sex number haha
  9. Mew

    bro we should remake MCI around the corona virus

    bro we should remake MCI around the corona virus
  10. Mew

    [Giveaway 2 of 4] 2x Premium Battle pass Giveaway

    me enter for mewbby aj is my favorite staff :^)
  11. Mew

    Hurt and Heal - Minecraft Infected Edition

    Mother Zombie - 7 Zombie - 9 - Skeleton - 0 (Killed by Paradoxi) - 14th Place Enderman - 9 Vampire - 18 Iron Golem - 10 Witch - 13 Baby Zombie - 17 Slime - 11 Blaze - 4 + Wither Skeleton - 0 - (Killed by Aj) - 13th Place Werewolf - 14 Beekeeper - 13 Magma Bear - 16
  12. Mew


  13. Mew

    Hurt and Heal - Minecraft Infected Edition

    Mother Zombie - 7 Zombie - 10 Skeleton - 0 (Killed by Paradoxi) - 14th Place Enderman - 9 Vampire - 16 Iron Golem - 10 Witch - 13 Baby Zombie - 16 Slime - 11 - Blaze - 5 + Wither Skeleton - 0 - (Killed by Aj) - 13th Place Werewolf - 14 Beekeeper - 13 Magma Bear - 16
  14. Mew

    Bringing back flight for Vampire

    Let me preface this by saying I have and will always be against Vampire flight; I think it negates the usefulness of far too many spots to an unreasonable degree and gives lower ranks even more pains than they already deal with. But I also want to address some of the maps you mentioned because I...
  15. Mew

    Decrease the rank tax or add a cap

    out of curiosity, would there be any partial/full refund of cookies spent due to the inflated rank tax? I don't expect the answer to be yes ofc, but still wanna know lol overall I like this idea mainly because people that play casually a la myself don't have the time to grind out several hours...