Anavar Side Effects: What Every Bodybuilder Should Know


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Anavar is an effective muscle building and fat burning steroid that has gained popularity in the medical and non-medical fields. It is commonly prescribed to aid in the recovery of diseases that cause muscle wasting and is also used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance their performance. Like any other powerful drug, Anavar can have a range of side effects that should be understood before considering its use. This article will cover the most important information for anyone interested in using this substance, whether you are a healthcare professional, fitness trainer, or just someone who wants to get more informed about what Anavar can do for them.

Common Anavar Side effects of this drug include a rise in blood pressure, cholesterol changes, and digestive problems. It can also impact the way your body stores and uses glucose, which may require a change in your insulin or antidiabetic medication. Anavar is metabolized by the liver, and long-term use can lead to liver damage, so regular tests should be performed to monitor liver function. It can also interfere with the body’s ability to store and absorb calcium, which may lead to a higher risk of edema (fluid retention) in some people.