Guardian Kit (Idea)


New Member
Icon: Prismarine Shard
Character Model: Guardian Mob
Acquired Through: MVP Rank
Main Weapon: Prismarine Shard (+2 ATK)
Armor: Full Chain armor, but chestpiece is Leather.
Ability Icon: Lantern (Splash)
Ability Desc.: Splash the ground creating a 3x3 pool of water. Any survivor in this pool gains Slowness II and the inability to take knockback. Lasts 7 seconds. Any Infected gain Speed IV while in this pool as well as immunity to knockback. (Pool of water is Slab Water, not the ful lblock of water. Like Magmabear's lava pool for e.g.)

Thoughts anyone? Just doing making this for fun.

Aj ツ

Sr. Moderator
The thing is with water is that it becomes a huge nuisance to play and often times will make the game unfun. I think back to Squid on 2.0 where it would slow peoples movements by sucking them in. Speed 4 is also absolutely insane, especially when considering humans can barely move as is. As a whole Im against a kit idea like this, but I would still suggest tuning the numbers down a little and maybe making it a bit more fair/consider how it would impact the game.


New Member
I agree with Aj, this would make it really hard for survivors to win. With some tweaking it might be a little better, but the speed IV and taking no knockback is a little too unfair.