Increased arrow supply


I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but the "Major" class is the only class that gets an arrow supply upgrade (3->5) and then it stops until after Colonel?

As a player who would rather wield a bow over a sword any day, this is a letdown to find out. Arrow progression should not be halted because of "arrow spam" or any other reason. Having 5 arrows for so long is simply unrealistic. It takes 5 fully drawn arrows to kill an infected. That's if they're standing still. Most of the time one misses a couple if not all of their shots.

My point: the ranks should steadily increase their arrow count until Commander (20) in my opinion, but if it has been tested to be for the betterment of the server, then so be it. At least make the Marksman prestige perk one token instead of two :p


Active Member
Well the Marksman prestige perk fixes all that if you prefer using a bow. If you buy marksman you get a bow at every rank and start with 5 arrows, every two ranks you then get an extra arrow in addition to the ones you normally get ranking up. So at commander you get 35 arrows.


Well the Marksman prestige perk fixes all that if you prefer using a bow. If you buy marksman you get a bow at every rank and start with 5 arrows, every two ranks you then get an extra arrow in addition to the ones you normally get ranking up. So at commander you get 35 arrows.
Still, I feel like especially for those players that are not online all the time and able to prestige quickly, arrow progression should be gradual, not halted at 5 until rank 16.


Active Member
Still, I feel like especially for those players that are not online all the time and able to prestige quickly, arrow progression should be gradual, not halted at 5 until rank 16.
Then 3 more arrows for 17/18 each, but then a massive upgrade of 7 more arrows for 19? As well as an iron chestplate. This increase alone should be reduced and moved to other ranks. Each rank from 12 should get either 2 or 3 arrows every rank in my opinion.


Then 3 more arrows for 17/18 each, but then a massive upgrade of 7 more arrows for 19? As well as an iron chestplate. This increase alone should be reduced and moved to other ranks. Each rank from 12 should get either 2 or 3 arrows every rank in my opinion.
Simply makes General on its own tier above all others other than Commander. Doesn't make sense to me. I agree to move to a balanced and gradual arrow progression.
I think getting a bow at rank 12 and then increasing it at a flat rate until commander would be good.

First question new players often ask is how to get a bow, and the fact that they start so close to it gives them a nice short-term goal to work towards that gets them more engaged in the server


I would say just buy marksman. No need for extra arrows, although I will admit, the whole tank “major” is kind of pointless.


New Member
The increased supply of arrows has significantly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of archers on the battlefield. With a greater abundance of arrows, archers can sustain their volleys for longer periods, maintaining pressure on enemy forces and providing crucial support to infantry and cavalry units. This surplus not only reduces the downtime between attacks but also allows for more strategic learning flexibility, enabling commanders to deploy archers in various tactical scenarios without the constant worry of running out of ammunition.