What is 6-mercaptopurine? - Generic Cures


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It inhibits the growth of cancer cells and can suppress immune system activity. It is used to treat specific forms of acute leukemia. 6-mercaptopurine is a medicine used to treat certain types of cancer, particularly acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. It acts by interfering with cancer cells' growth and division, eventually causing them to die. When taken orally, Mercaptopurine class enters the bloodstream and distributes throughout the body. It is subsequently transformed into active metabolites that inhibit the production of DNA and RNA, both of which are required for cell development and division. 6-mercaptopurine, by targeting rapidly dividing cancer cells, aids in disease control and improves remission rates. Regular monitoring by a healthcare expert is required to ensure that this medicine is used safely and effectively. 6-mercaptopurine treatment is often part of a larger cancer management strategy that may include additional medicines, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, or supportive care measures.
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