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  1. lobsterc97

    Day/Night Cycle in MCI

    Please god yes, I've been pushing this for years. lot of maps would look great and really give a nice spooky feel to MCI. Would be a great implement.
  2. lobsterc97

    Another Australian bites the dust

    Another Australian bites the dust
  3. lobsterc97


  4. lobsterc97

    Tea and Toast Graph

  5. lobsterc97

    Memory lane

    This still hurts tbh
  6. lobsterc97

    Do you trust my bridges?

    "But did you die?"
  7. lobsterc97

    Anime suggestions?

    Anohana is a tear jerker, good comedy and strong story. Full metal alchemist Brotherhood a bit of a long one but a well written story, good drama to keep you wanting to keep watching episodes and worth watching the 61 episodes. Assassination classroom is an anime about an space octopus who...
  8. lobsterc97

    Still a dumbass ;)

    Still a dumbass ;)
  9. lobsterc97

    Count until a staff member posts

    We have a dev? 1
  10. lobsterc97

    Having the same issue, I've messaged Maxben about it because it's usually frustrating.

    Having the same issue, I've messaged Maxben about it because it's usually frustrating.
  11. lobsterc97


    Tbh, Minecraft is my main hobby. Mainly map building side of it, my other hobby is usually streaming but not so much as of recent. Other than those two, I usually go out and hang with friends most of the time whenever I can really.
  12. lobsterc97

    MCI Map List

    I'll make sure you burn in hellfire :)
  13. lobsterc97

    MCI Map List

    I know, but in saying that I can't count checkpoint and every wack and nitro map either ripp
  14. lobsterc97

    MCI Map List

    I think he's only including maps in game as of current, otherwise this list would be 50x longer haha
  15. lobsterc97

    You're alive!!

    You're alive!!
  16. lobsterc97

    As someone who started an erosion remake project and had to cancel, messing with fan favorite...

    As someone who started an erosion remake project and had to cancel, messing with fan favorite maps in terms of "Remaking" can be dangerous and many people will be picky about the changes made.
  17. lobsterc97

    Tug of War 2.0
