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  1. Agent40

    Anime suggestions? Anything that’s a 8 and up on my list I’d recommend :3
  2. Agent40

    Kendyy your profile is kinda looking empty. Something you wanna talk about? XD

    Kendyy your profile is kinda looking empty. Something you wanna talk about? XD
  3. Agent40

    That moment you're hella motivated to get shit done and code... but it's not the code for Uni...

    That moment you're hella motivated to get shit done and code... but it's not the code for Uni work... Welp.
  4. Agent40

    Happy Birthday?

    Happy Birthday?
  5. Agent40

    Happy Birthday?

    Happy Birthday?
  6. Agent40

    arts n crafts ♥o♥

    Well, I haven't drawn anything in the past 3 years so a lot of these are around 3-6 years old. Hope you like never the less ^-^ Ok... that's it... Woo?
  7. Agent40

    a whole 2 and a half years has passed since my house got struck my lightning and my light...

    a whole 2 and a half years has passed since my house got struck my lightning and my light finally works again!
  8. Agent40

    You were being sarcastic? It DoEsNt SoUnD lIkE yOu WeRe! I tHiNk YoUrE jUsT sAyInG tHaT >:(

    You were being sarcastic? It DoEsNt SoUnD lIkE yOu WeRe! I tHiNk YoUrE jUsT sAyInG tHaT >:(
  9. Agent40

    vegans are smarter than meat eaters

  10. Agent40

    a music thread

    So realistically, I listen to a lot of different genres all the time so I thought to myself Hey, why not just suggest one of everything ^-^ [/MEDIA][/SPOILER]
  11. Agent40

    vegans are smarter than meat eaters

    As I said before. I have a pet snake, I have to feed it dead quails. Once again, that’s my response.
  12. Agent40

    vegans are smarter than meat eaters

    I have a pet snake and feed it dead quails. That's my response. Doesn't this entire thread count as a malicious flame war? Like all I see is a lot of personal attacking people for meme'ing. @Aj ツ OMEGALUL
  13. Agent40

    Prestige perks

    I went: 1. Feather Falling 1 & 2 2. Riot Shield 3. N/A 4. Scav 1 & 2 5. Riot Shield 2 6. Scav 3 7. N/A If I were to recommend anything for new players though, I’d have to go: 1. Riot Shield 1 2. Riot Shield 2 3. N/A 4. Jugg 5. N/A 6. Scav 1 & 2 7. Scav 3 8. Hardline 9. Kb 1 10. Kb 2
  14. Agent40

    Late happy birthday! :3

    Late happy birthday! :3
  15. Agent40

    Favorite kits?

    A long time ago in a far off land there existed one man who controlled the entire survivor's food supply chain. This man was the number one Leprechaun. He thrived off the suffering and pain caused by the anger and rage of other people when they lost their gapples and other important life saving...
  16. Agent40

    Only a handful of people will remember me but Hi

    Yooooo Skeleton :D
  17. Agent40

    Riverbend Revamp by ThatBuildTeam Revamped

    Riverbend Revamp by ThatBuildTeam Revamped
  18. Agent40

    Oh no no no no no XD

    Oh no no no no no XD
  19. Agent40

    How about we just cut out the middleman, IP trace his address then go visit his house to see...

    How about we just cut out the middleman, IP trace his address then go visit his house to see what he looks like instead?
  20. Agent40

    22 1 2 4

    22 1 2 4