Diamond Armour Perk


I know after reading the title a lot of people would instantly disagree with me, but I want to explain my reasoning first before people make any judgments, as I know my suggestions in the past haven't gotten that much positive feedback.

Anyway, so as you all know, once you get a 25 score streak, you get a diamond sword. My proposal is as you get higher score streaks, you get a piece of diamond armour, but not enough to get full diamond, as that would be broken beyond belief. I was thinking around 35-40 score streak you get either a helmet or boots, and once you reach something like 50-60, you get the other piece you didn't receive originally. These score streaks are subject to change to anyone's opinion, but they are just a suggestion based on how the current game is.

Now I should probably explain why I think this wouldn't be too overpowered of a perk, and it all revolves around how the game is at this moment.

1) Human's were nerfed from 2.0
Humans (especially commanders) aren't as powerful as they were back in 2.0. They lose some items from ranking up (nades, extra food, extra arrows, etc), some of the best perks/tanking perks were removed (Sleight of hand, surge, fire mind, etc), and now with the cookie increase for ranking up every time you prestige, it gets harder to get to higher ranks and unlock better prestige perks unless you spend a decent amount of time on the server, and not everyone has that much time on their hands. Basically, it's harder to get higher score streaks with less gear and perks, and it's harder to get the current perks as well. Even apple buying was nerfed, costing significantly more to buy extra food if you need it. Buying chests wasn't but only buying 1-2 chests per round isn't helpful unless you are in the higher ranks. Rewarding players with an extra armour boost for achieving higher score streaks would be beneficial. Now, some might argue that it all depends on the players online, which is the next point I'm going to bring up.

2) Player Base/Player Skill
The original MCI came out in 2012/2013 I think? Well whenever it was released, a lot of people can agree that at the time, and maybe early 2.0 (don't quote me on that), player skill level was less that what it is today, and it isn't just skill at MCI. PvP plays a huge role in this gamemode, and back then, player's weren't as good as they are today. This point is mainly aiming towards the skill level of infected, since they are the ones that try to prevent humans from getting higher score streaks. In some cases, you can easily 1v1 someone and not lose much health or food, but in other cases, you lose a lot of your health and food in a 1v1 fight. Same thing goes for group fights. If a few infected charge you, but aren't as good, chances are you will lose food and health, but regain it back. If a bunch of better infected charges you, chances of surviving start to get smaller. Now this is where my point comes up. A large portion of the current player base are better at the game. They know MCI better, they can PvP better, and they know how to counter humans better. Some of the best players on the server will still get higher score streaks, but it usually caps off at around 25-30, unless they buy a lot of chests. And still, sometimes the best players don't get that high of a score streak due to the skill level of the infected. Giving players diamond armour for achieving higher score streaks with the current player base would again, be beneficial.

3) Map Spots
This points pretty simple. Any ladder spot, water spot (like the one on medieval kingdom), or other broken spots have been nerfed or removed. However, I don't necessarily think this was a bad decision, and I can understand where the staff were coming from. Having half the server in one spot that's hard to counter ruins the game, especially for new players. But, that now leaves humans more susceptible to infected, even if they are hiding. It increases the skill cap (which also isn't necessarily a bad thing) but with that increase, you should give players a boost as they get higher score streaks.

Well, those were all the points I wanted to bring up. Anything about the perk itself is still subject to change and opinion. Maybe diamond armour should be obtained a bit higher still, maybe it should be lower, or maybe not even have diamond armour at all and it should be protection instead. It's just a thought considering the current game, and maybe other high score streak perks will be implemented later. One more thing I want to mention, people on 2.0 could get 100+ score streaks, but that was due to broken perks and spots, and it's also dependent on what players are on when you are. I'm not saying those crazy perks or spots should be added back, but if this diamond armour idea doesn't hit home with anyone, maybe add nerfed versions of those perks back, or give some viability back to some of the hard nerfed spots.

Thanks for reading, I think I spent to much time on this thread lol