I think MCInfected should return the infected class upgrades
I feel like i'm playing infected classes for no reason obviously there is a reason to kill humans but like it feels pointless there's nothing in return other than stupid crates which i don't even open because i don't care about the rewards in them crates, others don't care either about them there is people with 50 unopened apparently
1 - there should be ways to make your classes better, yeah sure make it hard to progress if you want but atleast there is something to work for? instead of killing 500+ humans (example) but getting a crate which doesn't get used?
2 - There is legit no good classes, if you're vip you have skeleton which is worst thing ever, if you're vip+ you have vampire which should be removed because of how bad it is compared to project mayhem old server, then if you're mvp it's where you actually get a good kit baby zombie, Zombie class is probably better than skeleton and vampire put together, then there is enderman which would be good with upgrades just like any other kit
3 - Maybe make the lower tier infected classes easier to progress with upgrades? then high tier classes make them harder to progress due to the fact they're good already?
4 - Let non donators earn higher up classes, once again low tier classes easier to earn then high ones harder obviously
I feel like i'm playing infected classes for no reason obviously there is a reason to kill humans but like it feels pointless there's nothing in return other than stupid crates which i don't even open because i don't care about the rewards in them crates, others don't care either about them there is people with 50 unopened apparently
1 - there should be ways to make your classes better, yeah sure make it hard to progress if you want but atleast there is something to work for? instead of killing 500+ humans (example) but getting a crate which doesn't get used?
2 - There is legit no good classes, if you're vip you have skeleton which is worst thing ever, if you're vip+ you have vampire which should be removed because of how bad it is compared to project mayhem old server, then if you're mvp it's where you actually get a good kit baby zombie, Zombie class is probably better than skeleton and vampire put together, then there is enderman which would be good with upgrades just like any other kit
3 - Maybe make the lower tier infected classes easier to progress with upgrades? then high tier classes make them harder to progress due to the fact they're good already?
4 - Let non donators earn higher up classes, once again low tier classes easier to earn then high ones harder obviously