Recent content by ItzCqnadian

  1. ItzCqnadian

    Minecraft Infected Hunger Games Simulator (May 2021)

    Name: ItzCqnadian (or Ben if you want) Picture: Forums profile
  2. ItzCqnadian

    ngl I didn't think people still used this place

    ngl I didn't think people still used this place
  3. ItzCqnadian

    More rewards for different events

    Hello there! With the recent Easter Update, I've had some though about the rewards that it gives you, and I think it would be pretty fair if events, such as the easter egg hunt, gave more for completing it. This may just be something I agree on, but I wanted to see what other's opinions were on...
  4. ItzCqnadian

    Hurt and Heal - Minecraft Infected Edition

    Mother Zombie - 7 Zombie - 10 Skeleton - 0 (Killed by Paradoxi) - 14th Place Enderman - 9 Vampire - 18 + Iron Golem - 10 Witch - 13 Baby Zombie - 16 Slime - 11 Blaze - 3 - Wither Skeleton - 0 - (Killed by Aj) - 13th Place Werewolf - 14 Beekeeper - 13 Magma Bear - 16
  5. ItzCqnadian

    Diamond Armour Perk

    I know after reading the title a lot of people would instantly disagree with me, but I want to explain my reasoning first before people make any judgments, as I know my suggestions in the past haven't gotten that much positive feedback. Anyway, so as you all know, once you get a 25 score...
  6. ItzCqnadian

    Hurt and Heal - Minecraft Infected Edition

    Mother Zombie - 10 Zombie - 10 Skeleton - 6 - Enderman - 10 Vampire - 11 + Iron Golem - 10 Witch - 10 Baby Zombie - 10 Slime - 10 Blaze - 10 Wither Skeleton - 10 Werewolf - 10 Beekeeper - 10 Magma Bear - 13 -
  7. ItzCqnadian

    [raffle] be my valentine

    Name: ItzCqnadian (or Canoodle if you want) this is pretty neat
  8. ItzCqnadian

    Battlepass Giveaway! (Winner will be announced on the day of release)

    Username: ItzCqnadian Reason: idk I just like free stuff
  9. ItzCqnadian


  10. ItzCqnadian

    IRL Thread
  11. ItzCqnadian

    Minecraft Infected Hunger Games Simulator

    Display Name: Canoodle Picture (imgur link preferred):