@Jinxiest Finally, someone with an actual argument.
First off, let me explain the definition of veganism.
"Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose."
(source: https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism)
No vegan will claim that their lifestyle will eradicate all forms of suffering in the world, HOWEVER, it does do it to much larger scale than a standard meat-eater's diet does. I'll tell you why it is more eco-friendly and more-cruelty free.
First off, the cruelty-free part - this one is fairly obvious! When you PAY for a product, that automatically increases the demand for said product. That also includes food. When it comes to meat, dairy, eggs, whatever animal product it is, your money is going directly towards exploiting LIVING BEINGS. Vegans don't PAY for chickens, pigs, cows, sheep or whatever other animal there is to be exploited purposefully. This is a very important distinction. Veganism is cruelty-free to animals in the sense that our money does not go towards such industries.
- When you pay for eggs, you're paying for genetically modified hens to grow so fast their body can't keep up with their weight and get a lot of awful diseases, they lay eggs every day when they naturally do so only once to a few times a month and producing eggs is already a very physically draining process to begin with, male chickens are grinded up alive right after hatching because they're useless to the industry. (https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/egg-industry) (https://freefromharm.org/eggs-what-are-you-really-eating/) ( "Egg Industry In 60 Seconds)
- When you pay for dairy products, you're paying for cows to be repeatedly raped so they can continue to produce milk for us, as just like any other mammal, they only produce milk when they're pregnant and having babies. Their babies obviously get taken away right after birth because otherwise they'll drink the milk "meant" for us. If the baby is a male, it gets killed almost right away because, again, it is useless to the dairy industry. (https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/dairy-industry) (https://www.theguardian.com/comment...scary-public-farming-calves-pens-alternatives) ( "DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes")
- When you pay for meat, wether that is bacon, beef, chicken, you're paying for that cow, chicken, pig or sheep throats' to be slit or gas chambered after an already horrible life stuck in tiny stalls living in their own poop and pee, spreading diseases and getting no motion at all. Veganism is totally more cruelty free than any other lifestyle because we don't purposefully pay for these things to happen to innocent animals. ( Land of Hope and Glory, british documentary) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko Dominion, australian documentary) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8B547L5VkQ Earthlings, american documentary)
All the sources I put are video examples and some articles about each topic.
Buying locally will not be less cruely-free or eco-friendly. The animals on those farms still suffer, and even if they'd have a "good" life before, they're still just products that end up going to the slaughterhouse and die in a horrific way because no slaughterhouse is nice. It's literally in the name, SLAUGHTERHOUSE, that sounds like a horror film in itself.
I know this is an anecdote, but Norway is known as one of the countries in the world with the highest standards of animal welfare within farming, but that's been exposed so many times to be a lie. There was recently a norwegian documentary film about a woman who went undercover on pig farms over a course of several years and recorded everything she saw, and it was BRUTAL. It shocked Norway. Also another anecdote I have is that a local and popular farm outside my city that I used to visit with my school when I was younger, had a huge chicken coop with chickens cramped into just a tiny space on top of each other just for laying eggs, it smelled horrible in there, there were no daylight and the worst of it all, THEY SOLD IT AS FREE-RANGE.
Anyway, buying local meat, dairy or eggs isn't better for the animals or the environment. The animals are still just "products", not individual living beings, and the environmental impact is still huge. (
Veganism is proven to be the most environmentally friendly lifestyle one can have because animal agriculture is the world's biggest polluter. (
https://www.theguardian.com/environ...le-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth) This is because of all the recourses needed to produce meat, dairy and eggs, considering there are about 56 BILLION FARM ANIMALS, that WE have to feed and water and give space. Keep in mind that animals such as cows and pigs and chickens eat and drink a LOT more than humans do in a day. In order to keep this industry going, they need feed, which is usually grains grown in rainforests, which needs to be cut down to make enough space for it. They're also cut down to generally let cattle graze as well. The majority of cows and chickens and pigs and whatever, even in the UK, Norway or USA, gets fed grains and soy that are grown in poor areas because it isn't sustainable to let millions and billions of animals roam free and eat grass, lol. And even if, they need to a lot more grass than you think, so forests need to be continually cut down in order to make enough room and space and feed for those animals. (
https://www.onegreenplanet.org/anim...ses-of-deforestation-and-how-you-can-stop-it/) You see, the majority of our agricultural feed from plants go towards our livestock, not humans, which is why it is so bad for the environment. 56 billion farm animals are a lot of animals to feed, compared to 7 billion humans. Plants are usually quicker and require less land to grow feed for humans with. But with 56 billion animals included in the equation, it literally cannot work in any sustainable way. (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ykcVBOaFE "Not Worth Going Vegan for the Climate?") (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2X8ikpBZkM "
No Baby, No Car, or No Meat? Environmental Study Results") ("Cowspiracy" on Netflix) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGuduhfGSjU "You CANNOT Be a Non-Vegan Environmentalist!")
Some documentaries to watch that covers all of this: Cowspiracy, Food Choices, Game Changers, What The Health, Forks Over Knives.
As for the humanitarian issues surrounding veganism, I'm gonna give you a comparison. There is no way that veganism alone will solve all issues in the world, as I've already said. And what happens to the people you're talking about is horrific. However, people who have to work in slaughterhouses and farms are also usually immigrants and migrant workers who have little to no choice. Working in farms and slaughterhouses can be very traumatic and intense, and they're exposed to diseases and psychological issues from it. Getting acid burns on your hands from cashews is awful, yes, but can you imagine working at a slaughterhouse, slitting live animals' throats or gas chambering screaming animals for a living, that is a horrible life. Coming from an already traumatic life, seeking a better one and ending up in such a horrific work space. No, I'd say that is a lot worse. Also, a lot of the agricultural workers in general that produces feed for the animals we eat, they are really the majority of who experiences these humanitarian issues.
https://www.samwoolfe.com/2012/12/eating-plants-for-sake-of-people.html Quote: "For those who are concerned about global human suffering, they should recognise that by keeping animal agriculture in business, resources are being wasted in order to satisfy the diet of First World countries, at the expense of countries which are undergoing dangerous shortages of food and water. The elimination of the meat industry alone would go towards freeing up land to grow crops for people who are starving. We should really be working towards this scenario since the amount of usable land on Earth is rapidly decreasing.") (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWPsvHeGo9I "Vegan For Human Rights")
Some nice videos covering some of this 
Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky
As of poor people - rice, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits are the cheapest foods on the market, wut r u on about