Morality is not really something that can be decided by a few folks on the internet, rather it is something each of us have within ourselves that drives our decision-making. Ethics are built off the principles of our morals, as "ethics" in dumb-mans terms is "morals for a whole business." So whether or not something is "ethically good" is completely up for debate since everyone has different morals regarding animals. It's like another branch of philosophy, which most people do not go on the internet to discuss.
Down to the meat and potatoes of this post though, pun intended -
Is veganism more healthy? Probably.
Is it better for the environment? Definitely.
Is it overall superior? Probably - The problem though, is that the large majority of vegans who believe it is superior, have a superiority complex going on, which frankly makes anyone who is NOT vegan, NOT want to BECOME vegan.
What do I know though? I'm just a square dude in a suit.
Meat is tasty and Im not an environmentalist. My priorities lie elsewhere, world wont be dead by the time I die.I am 100% sure that it is not morally right to kill animals unnecessarily. So that is not up for debate. Vegans are morally superior, unless there is a necessity, which there isn't in our western world with grocery stores around every corner. I know you agree with me on this, @CommanderBox , we have discussed it privately many times so I don't know why you're saying it like that, lol.
@AshlynSwitch glad to see another vegan, woo! :3 While a lot of vegans are super militant even with genuine reasons not to go vegan, that is not really the point of my post. My point is that vegans are morally superior over meat-eaters and vegetarians because of the several reasons to choose a vegan lifestyle, such as animal welfare, environmental reasons and health reasons. A small amount of people in the western world has a genuine reason to not go vegan.
@Aj ツ If you're so smart, why haven't you gone vegan yet? It is not very smart to purposefully contribute to an industry that pollutes and destroys our oceans and landmass more than any other industry combined. It is not very smart to contribute to an industry that factory farms and murders and tortures sentient animals in the most horrid ways imaginable, that objectifies them to the point of just being a "burger" or "bacon". It is not very smart to contribute to an industry and system that legitimately exploits people's health for billions of dollars each year, because they make money of people getting sick from their diet.
Not very smart if you ask me.
Want sources? I'll provide it if needed.
@CREEPER__1 View attachment 96
I am 100% sure that it is not morally right to kill animals unnecessarily. So that is not up for debate. Vegans are morally superior, unless there is a necessity, which there isn't in our western world with grocery stores around every corner. I know you agree with me on this, @CommanderBox , we have discussed it privately many times so I don't know why you're saying it like that, lol.
I agree i have been vegan for over a year! ! ! !okay, not all vegans
but i am bored and feel like arguing about why veganism will always be the more intelligent, ethical, healthier and environmentally friendly choice.
please tell me why i'm wrong :3
View attachment 95
So we should stop predatory animals from killing other animals and domestic every animal? You're messing with natural balance, its kill or be killed. Top of the food chain, live with it.♥♥♥♥♥!!!! thank you from the animals and the environment ♥
@Aj ツ Your priorities are dumb and not smart for the environment and the animals that have to suffer because of you. Your priorities goes toward paying for animal abuse and environmental destruction because hahah bacon. YOU might not suffer, but it is incredibly selfish and idiotic to put that suffering on OTHER beings for no good reason. I am sure you love animals, and if it happened to dogs or, hell, even if it happened to pigs, right in front of you, you wouldn't want to condone it. Your priorities are stupid and selfish and ignorant towards the animals that have to suffer for your taste buds and 10-minute meal. Your 10-minute meal you forget the next day is their whole life. Imagine thinking so low of other beings on this earth. That is embarressing for you to admit.
@CommanderBox (nvm, i was wrong.) ACTUALLY, it is still morally superior. change my mind![]()
So we should stop predatory animals from killing other animals and domestic every animal? You're messing with natural balance, its kill or be killed. Top of the food chain, live with it.
I mean I've been baiting you this whole time, to quote something I messaged in a DM:What natural balance? There is nothing about natural balance when it comes to PURPOSEFULLY factory farming pigs, sheep, cows and chickens by the BILLIONS in cramped spaces where they live in their own poop and pee. In fact, the animal agriculture is DESTROYING the natural balance, which then slides into the environmental aspect of veganism, which you say you don't care about...? Being "on top of the food chain", doesn't make it okay to factory farm animals by the billions and destroying the environment and natural balance, just because you want your stupid cheeseburger. YOU are messing with the natural balance. The animals we breed nowadays aren't even part of any natural balance or nature anymore, because they've been so genetically modified to fit the high demand from the consumers. Stop paying for their death, they will stop being bred, and they will stop existing overall because they don't fit in anymore.
Wild animals are WILD and FREE. There is a HUGE difference to factory farmed animals. We as humans, especially in our western and modern world, DO NOT NEED ANIMAL PRODUCTS TO SURVIVE. We have no excuse, unless someone live in like a remote area in Alaska or whatever. I thought you said you are smarter than most people, but you don't even know what natural balance is.
Didn't seem like "trolling" LOL. I think you now proceeded to disguise it as such because you started coming with hypocritical statements and are backing off before it gets worse. A private DM isn't really proof lel, could just be you being embarrassed and saying you were trolling.I mean I've been baiting you this whole time, to quote something I messaged in a DM:
So yeah, I think I am pretty smart.
Didn't seem like "trolling" LOL. I think you now proceeded to disguise it as such because you started coming with hypocritical statements and are backing off before it gets worse. A private DM isn't really proof lel, could just be you being embarrassed and saying you were trolling.